
Paul goes on to explain that God gives us all different gifts and that we all have a part to play in the life of the church. As a medium sized church we are able to employ a few staff members to assist with the work, but the vast majority of the mission and ministry of our church relies on the contributions

and commitment of the whole church family. Everyone has a part to play, using the gifts, abilities, and availability which God has given them. And, as described in 1 Corinthians 12, every part is equally important in God's eyes. We invite you to give prayerful consideration to how God might be calling you to serve Him in the life of Viewfield, whether that may be getting involved for the first time, changing your areas of service, or contributing in new ways.

Some areas of service:

  • Admin tasks

  • Audio/visuals

  • Building maintenance

  • Catering (e.g. food prep setting up, washing up etc).

  • Children’s Work (including Children’s Church, Toddlers, Creche, Events)

  • Communion preparation

  • Events organisation

  • Janitoring

  • Mission

  • Music

  • Pastoral care

  • Practical tasks (e.g. set up for events, gardening, cleaning etc).

  • Serving refreshments

  • Stewarding

  • Zac’s Cafe

  • Youth Work

If you would like to know more about serving in these areas then please contact the Office.

1 Corinthians 12:27 says:

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."