What on earth am I here for?
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Genesis 1: 26-31; John 3: 1-8
A letter of love
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Philippians 1: 1-11
Paul’s Prayer for the Church
Rev Martin Donaghey/Ephesians 3: 7-21
Paul’s Prayer for Colossae
Riaz Mohammed/Colossians 1: 1-14
Jesus’ four lessons on Prayer
Brian Stanley/1 Chronicles 29: 10-13 & Matthew 6: 5-15
How can I pray for you?
Georgette Short/Colossians 1: 3-14
Our children matter
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Mark 10: 13-16
She gave all she could
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Mark 14: 1-10
God is the hero
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 17: 1-11, 41-58
I just called
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 16: 1-13
A Rocha UK
Regina Ebner/Genesis 1:26-31; Matthew 22:36-40
Saul’s disobedience
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 15: 1-35
The task ahead of you is never as great as the power within you
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Acts 2: 1-13
Saul’s reckless religion
Rev Andrew Rollinson/1 Samuel 14: 24-52
Faith in God brings victory
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 14: 1-23
No compromise, God focused
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 13: 1-15
A farewell speech with a challenge
Rev Rae MacKenzie/1 Samuel 12: 1-25
God likes to give us jobs that seem impossible
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Exodus 3: 1-12
What does Christ’s Resurrection mean for us?
Georgette Short/1 Corinthians 15: 1-20
Resurrected Hope
Rev Rae MacKenzie/Matthew 28: 1-15